2010 Session

Budget Amendments - HB29 (Committee Approved)

Transfers Corrections and Clarifications (language only)

Item 3-1.01 #1h

Item 3-1.01 #1h

Interfund Transfers

Page 314, line 48, after "Council" insert:
"to repay the general fund advance."
Page 315, strike lines 20 through 29.
Page 315, line 30, strike "XX." and insert "VV."
Page 315, line 36, strike "YY." and insert "WW."
Page 315, line 40, strike "ZZ" and insert "XX".
Page 315, line 40, strike "$14,454,479" and insert "$11,854,479".
Page 318, strike line 29.
Page 319, line 7, strike "$14,454,479" and insert "$11,854,479".
Page 319, after line 13, insert:
"BBB. On or before June 30, 2010, the State Comptroller shall transfer $2,000,000 to the general fund from unexpended balances at the Department of Aviation.
CCC. On or before June 30, 2010, the State Comptroller shall transfer $5,200,000 to the general fund from one-time savings realized from a delay in the deadline for initial compliance with the federal Real ID Act of 2005.
DDD. On or before June 30, 2010, the State Comptroller shall transfer $205,072 to the general fund from unexpended balances at the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation.
EEE.  On or before June 30, 2010, the State Comptroller shall transfer to the general fund an amount equal to $6,200,000 from balances in the Water Quality Improvement Fund held by the Department of Conservation and Recreation.
FFF.  On or before June 30, 2010, the State Comptroller shall transfer to the general fund an amount equal to $3,600,000 from the Water Quality Improvement Fund Reserve Fund established pursuant to Item 360 of this act and held by the Department of Environmental Quality.
GGG.  On or before June 30, 2010, the State Comptroller shall transfer to the general fund an amount equal to $100,000 from the Central Registry Search Fees at the Department of Social Services.
HHH.  On or before June 30, 2010, the State Comptroller shall transfer to the general fund an amount equal to $500,000 from the Consolidated Laboratory Services at the Department of General Services."

(This amendment makes a number of technical corrections to Item 3-1.01 of House Bill 29 as introduced relating to nongeneral fund transfers to correct duplicate transfers from a nongeneral fund, include clarifying language, and capture additional nongeneral fund amounts for transfer as set out in the item.)