2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Rappahannock Regional Jail Staffing

Item 69 #3c

Item 69 #3c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Compensation Board FY2009 $1,178,494 FY2010 ($60,622) GF

Page 42, line 39, strike "$412,516,288" and insert "$413,694,782".
Page 42, line 39, strike "$428,128,258" and insert "$428,067,636".
Page 46, after line 35, insert:
"M.  Out of the amounts appropriated for Financial Assistance for Regional Jail Operations, $1,178,494 the first year and a reduction of $60,622 the second year from the general fund is provided to the Rappahannock Regional Jail Authority to provide funding for the operations of this facility's expansion, which is expected to open in two phases beginning in August 2008."

(This amendment provides funding for the Rappahannock Regional Jail's expansion project, which is scheduled to open in two stages. The first phase will open in August 2008 and the second phase will open in July 2009. This expansion will increase the current 592 available beds by an additional 432 beds, bringing the total available beds to 1,024 by July 2009. The Governor’s introduced budget assumed the entire facility would open in May 2009. This amendment provides the additional nine months of funding needed to staff the first phase of the project.)