2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

State Agency Reversions

Item 475.1 #1c

Item 475.1 #1c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2009 ($17,500,000) FY2010 ($17,500,000) GF

Page 435, before line 1, insert:
Authority: Discretionary Inclusion.
A.1. The head of each agency in the Executive Department, except for the institutions of higher education, shall develop a plan for achieving increased productivity or budgetary savings during the 2008-2010 biennium to be submitted to the Governor no later than August 1, 2008.  Such plans shall not include savings based on reductions in the nonpersonal service appropriations for transfer payments (aid to localities) subject to budget reductions in Item 475.1 of this act.  The plan shall be in such form as prescribed by the Governor.
2. Upon approval of the plan by the Governor, general fund savings identified by these plans estimated at $17,500,000 the first year and $17,500,000 the second year shall be transferred to this item by the Director, Department of Planning and Budget. Any agency general fund appropriations unexpended on June 30, 2008, that state agencies identify to the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, prior to June 2, 2008, may be reappropriated to state agencies for use to offset these savings.  To qualify for this purpose, such unexpended appropriations identified by state agencies must be discretionary in nature and cannot result from unexpended pass through funding to entities outside of state government, including aid to local government payments."

(This amendment provides for the establishment of a reversion clearing account for collecting $17.5 million in savings from all state agencies except the institutions of higher education. State agencies are required to submit a plan to the Governor to achieve these savings by August 1, 2008.)