2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Salary Adjustments for State Employees, College Faculty and State Supported Local Employees

Item 472 #3c

Item 472 #3c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2009 $44,730,850 FY2010 $126,688,040 GF

Page 421, line 46, strike "$23,190,703" and insert "$67,921,553".
Page 421, line 46, strike "$141,605,634" and insert "$268,293,674".
Page 424, line 38, strike "three percent on July 1, 2009" and insert:
"two percent on November 25, 2008, and an additional two percent on November 25, 2009".
Page 425, line 37, strike "three percent on July 1, 2009"  and insert:
"two percent on November 25, 2008, and an additional two percent on November 25, 2009".
Page 425, line 46, strike "$65,861,622" and insert:
"$23,648,968 the first year and $67,781,591".
Page 426, line 18, strike "three percent no earlier than July 1, 2009" and insert:
"two percent no earlier than November 25, 2008 and an additional two percent no earlier than November  25, 2009".
Page 426, line 22, strike "three percent on July 1, 2009" and insert:
"two percent on December  1, 2008, and an additional two percent on December 1, 2009".
Page 426, line 38, strike "$29,659,885" and insert:
"$11,507,448 the first year and $31,464,654".
Page 426, line 41, strike "$26,563,841" and insert:
"$9,574,434 the first year and $27,441,795".
Page 426, line 44, strike "three percent effective July 1, 2009" and insert:
"two percent effective November 25, 2008, and an additional two percent effective November 25, 2009".
Page 426, line 46, strike "three" and insert "two".
Page 426, line 47, after "institution", insert "each year".

(This amendment provides $171.4 million in the biennium to provide a two percent salary adjustment in each year of the biennium for state employees, college faculty and staff, and state-supported local employees. The amendment also adjusts the language included in the introduced budget to authorize the two percent salary adjustment in each year of the biennium, effective November 25th for state employees and college faculty and December 1st for state-supported local employees. It is the intent of the General Assembly that the changes necessary to implement the intent of this amendment shall be made to the salaries listed elsewhere in this Act during enrollment.)