2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Eliminate Merger of MVDB and Towing Board

Item 444 #1c

Item 444 #1c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Motor Vehicles, Department of FY2009 ($572,632) FY2010 ($572,632) NGF
FY2009 -3.00 FY2010 -3.00 FTE

Page 397, strike line 24 through line 30 and insert "Omitted."

(This amendment eliminates the proposed integration of the Towing and Recovery Operators Board into the Department of Motor Vehicles and eliminates a portion of the merger of the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board. The remaining portions of the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board were merged into Item 445. Companion amendments eliminate the remainder of the proposed mergers and restore the Boards to their current status as separate agencies.)