2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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DMV Services (language only)

Item 441 #4c

Item 441 #4c

Motor Vehicles, Department of

Page 395, after line 50, insert:
"F.1. The Department of Motor Vehicles shall report on the effectiveness of Senate Bill 116, 2008 Session of the General Assembly, to reduce the number of vehicle registration renewals undertaken in customer service centers and the increase in the number of renewals by mail and internet as well as changes in the utilization of the multi-year renewal option.  Such report shall include an enumeration of the revenues generated, by type of renewal transactions, as well as a comparison of the costs to revenue for each type of renewal transaction.  
2. The report shall also include an update on the cost allocation study and a proposal to provide for full allocation of all incurred costs including the administrative and operating costs of the central office and customer services centers.  The update shall compare the true costs of the Department’s services to the fees, penalties and other sources of revenue available to the Department.  The activities to be assessed include, but are not limited to, driver services (e.g., driver’s licenses, learner’s licenses, identification cards, revocation/suspension, reinstatements, information maintenance and distribution), vehicle services, motor carrier services, transportation safety services, dealer services, financial assistance to localities, and support services.
3.  As part of the effort to develop performance goals and strategies, the Department shall calculate the average wait time and the related average cost per transaction conducted at each customer service center.  The calculations shall be included in the report, by customer service center.  The calculations shall determine the impact to DMV revenues if wait times are reduced or increased by increments of five minutes.  For increased wait times, the upper limit shall be an average wait time of 45 minutes.  For reduced wait times, the lower limit shall be an average wait time of 10 minutes.
4.  The Department shall submit reports on the status of these efforts by December 1, 2008, and December 1, 2009, to the Governor, the Secretary of Transportation, the Chairs of the Senate Committees on Transportation and Finance, and the Chairmen of the House Committees on Transportation and Appropriations."

(This amendment directs the Department of Motor Vehicles to report on its active efforts to reduce costs, balance staffing to activity levels, direct additional transactions to mail and internet, and assess the impacts of Senate Bill 116, 2008 Session of the General Assembly, to incentivize vehicle registration renewals to be undertaken outside of customer service centers.)