2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Employment of Restricted Positions for Disaster Response and Recovery (language only)

Item 400 #1c

Item 400 #1c

Public Safety
Emergency Management, Department of

Page 368, line 34, before "Included", insert "A."
Page 368, after line 41, insert:
"B. Subject to authorization by the Governor, the Department of Emergency Management may employ persons to assist in response and recovery operations for  emergencies or disasters declared either by the President of the United States or by the Governor of Virginia.  Such employees shall be compensated solely with funds authorized by the Governor or the federal government for the emergency, disaster, or other specific event for which their employment was authorized.  The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, is authorized to increase the agency's position level based on the number of positions approved by the Governor."

(This amendment authorizes the Department of Emergency Management to employ people in "non-covered employee" positions to assist in response and recovery operations for emergencies or disasters.)