2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Funding HB 931 and SB 562

Item 391 #6c

Item 391 #6c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Public Safety
Corrections, Department of FY2009 $260,310 FY2010 $0 GF

Page 360, line 7, strike "$77,806,935" and insert "$78,067,245".
Page 362, after line 56, insert:
"J.  Included in the appropriation for Administrative and Support Services is $260,310 the first year from the general fund for the estimated net increase in the operating costs of adult correctional centers resulting from the enactment of House Bill 931 and Senate Bill 562 of the 2008 Session of the General Assembly.  This amount shall be paid into the Corrections Special Reserve Fund, established in accordance with § 30-19.1:4, Code of Virginia."

(This amendment provides $260,310 the first year from the general fund for the corrections bedspace impact associated with House Bill 391 and Senate Bill 562 of the 2008 General Assembly, which establish mandatory minimum prison sentences for the manufacture, sale, or distribution of methamphetamine.)