2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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DOC-Culpeper County Land Transfer (language only)

Item 391 #4c

Item 391 #4c

Public Safety
Corrections, Department of

Page 362, after line 56, insert:
"J.  The Commonwealth of Virginia shall convey 45 acres (more or less) of property, being a portion of Culpeper County Tax Map No. 75, parcel 32, lying in the Cedar Mountain Magisterial District of Culpeper County, Virginia, in consideration of the County’s construction of water capacity and service line(s) adequate to serve the needs of the Department of Corrections' Coffeewood Facility and the Department of Juvenile Justice’s Culpeper Juvenile Correctional Facility (hereinafter “the facilities”).  The cost of the water improvements necessary to serve the Department of Corrections’ facilities, including an 8-inch water service line, and including engineering and land/easement acquisition costs, shall be paid by the Commonwealth, less and except (i) the value of the property for the jail conveyed by the Commonwealth to the County ($150,382.00, based on valuation by the Culpeper County Assessor), and (ii) the cost of increasing the size of the water service line from 8 inches to 12 inches, in order to accommodate planned county needs."

(This amendment provides for the transfer of about 45 acres owned by the Department of Corrections to Culpeper County in exchange for additional water and sewer capacity for both the Department of Corrections' Coffeewood Correctional Center and the Department of Juvenile Justice's Culpeper Juvenile Correctional Facility.)