2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Provide Combined Sewer Overflow Funding

Item 368 #3c

Item 368 #3c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Natural Resources
Environmental Quality, Department of FY2009 $0 FY2010 ($3,000,000) GF

Page 340, line 49, strike "$117,934,181" and insert "$114,934,181".
Page 341, line 14, after "year", strike remainder of line.
Page 341, line 15, strike "second year".
Page 341, line 19, after the first "year", strike "and $1,500,000 in the second year".
Page 341, line 20, strike "and" and insert "."
Page 341, strike line 21.

(This amendment provides $3.0 million general fund support in the first year for combined sewer overflow projects in the cities of Richmond and Lynchburg.)