2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Child Welfare Worker Training

Item 337 #2c

Item 337 #2c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of FY2009 ($1,876,448) FY2010 ($1,689,909) GF
FY2009 ($1,200,927) FY2010 ($1,081,542) NGF

Page 314, line 6, strike "$52,395,628" and insert "$49,318,253".
Page 314, line 6, strike "$54,739,295" and insert "$51,967,844".

(This amendment reduces $1.9 million the first year and $1.7 million the second year from the general fund and $1.2 million the first year and $1.1 million the second year from nongeneral funds to train foster care and adoption services workers. The introduced budget included $2.2 million from the general fund each year to provide training to social workers. The remaining $790,000 from the general fund will be used to enhance child welfare training in order to improve performance outcomes and reduce the repeat occurrence of child abuse and neglect.)