2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Locality Reduction Reimbursement Payments (language only)

Item 3-1.01 #7c

Item 3-1.01 #7c

Interfund Transfers

Page 491, after line 11, insert:
Y.  Any city or county electing to reimburse the Commonwealth for all or a portion of the savings apportioned to it pursuant to Item 475.1 of this act shall make its payment to the state treasury by the second Friday in January of each fiscal year.  Such payments shall be deposited to a suspense account which will constitute a special fund on the books of the State Comptroller.  On or before June 25th of each fiscal year, the State Comptroller shall transfer any amounts held in the suspense account to the general fund of the State Treasury and he shall notify the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, of the amount of this transfer.  There is hereby appropriated from the general fund of the state treasury to Item 475.1 of this act an amount equivalent to the transfer to the general fund from the suspense account to offset the reversion contained in Item 475.1.  The Director of the Department of Planning and Budget shall implement this appropriation prior to June 30 of each fiscal year.  In the event that a locality electing to pay all or a portion of its share of the savings required by Item 475.1 of this act does not make such payment on or before the second Friday in January of each fiscal year, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, is authorized to withhold an equivalent amount of savings from the affected state aid to local government programs in the manner as specified in paragraph C of Item 475.1 of this act."

(This amendment establishes a special fund on the books of the State Comptroller into which localities choosing to reimburse the Commonwealth for their share of reductions in state payments to localities will make those payments. Any such payments would subsequently be transferred to the reversion clearing account established in Item 475.1 of this act.)