2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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CSA Report on Interagency Guidelines (language only)

Item 283 #5c

Item 283 #5c

Health And Human Resources
Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families

Page 255, after line 39, insert:
"M.  The State Executive Council (SEC) shall conduct an analysis of the impact of the Final Interagency Guidelines on Foster Care Services for Specific "Children in Need of Services" funded through the Comprehensive Services Act (CSA), effective December 3, 2007, to assess the fiscal impact on the state and localities of serving these additional children through CSA.  As part of the analysis, the SEC shall report on the number of additional children served through the guidelines, the types of services provided to children served, how the children were referred for services under the guidelines and whether these children would have received services through CSA prior to the adoption of these new guidelines.  The Chair of the SEC shall report this information to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by December 1, 2008."

(This amendment requires the State Executive Council to report on a population of children who are beginning to receive services under the Comprehensive Services Act as a result of the adoption of Final Interagency Guidelines on Foster Care Services for Specific "Children in Need of Services" funded through the Comprehensive Services Act, effective December 3, 2007. The fiscal impact of serving these children shall be reported by December 1, 2008, to the Governor and the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees.)