2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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CSA Match Rate, Incentives and Exemptions

Item 283 #3c

Item 283 #3c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Health And Human Resources
Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families FY2009 $4,363,310 FY2010 $2,876,617 GF

Page 250, line 13, strike "$357,127,702" and insert "$361,491,012".
Page 250, line 13, strike "$376,859,856" and insert "$379,736,473".
Page 253, line 40, after "locality.", insert:
"The Secretary shall establish a work group to implement the changes in state and local match rates for the Comprehensive Services Act (CSA) program.  The work group shall include representatives from the Virginia Association of Counties, the Virginia Municipal League, the Virginia League of Social Services Executives, the Virginia Association of Community Service Boards, the Virginia Coalition of Private Providers,
the Virginia Association of School Superintendents, the Department of Education,
the Department of Juvenile Justice, and the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court.  The work group shall examine the impact of the match rate changes on local and state administration of the program, reporting requirements, service development and delivery, quality assurance, utilization management, and care coordination to ensure that children continue to receive appropriate and cost-effective services.
The work group shall also consider future actions to improve the quality of care, maximize cost effectiveness, and achieve administrative efficiencies in the program, such as (i) the feasibility of using a managed care approach to coordinate care and provide utilization management and quality assurance of services; (ii) participation of community service boards in providing care coordination and monitoring of emotionally disturbed and behaviorally challenged children receiving services through CSA; (iii) better communication, cooperation and coordination in the development of individualized education plans and plans of care for children in special education receiving services through CSA; and (iv) better communication  and coordination with court service units, Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court judges, and the Department of Juvenile Justice on the plans of care for “Children in Need of Services” as defined under the interagency guidelines on foster care services or children at risk for residential placement through an order by a judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.  Materials related to or used by the work group shall be considered public documents under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and not covered under the exemption for Governor’s working papers."  
Page 253, strike lines 41 through 43.
Page 253, line 44, strike "c." and insert "b."
Page 253, line 46, strike "Beginning".
Page 253, strike lines 47 through 49.
Page 253, line 50, strike "d." and insert:
"c.  Localities shall review their caseloads for those individuals who can be served appropriately by community-based services and transition those cases to the community for services."
Page 253, line 50, strike "July 1, 2008" and insert "January 1, 2009".
Page 253, line 52, strike "24" and insert "15".
Page 253, line 52, after "percent", insert:
"above the fiscal  year 2007 base rate after a locality has incurred a total of $100,000 in residential care expenditures for the period of January 1, 2009, through June 30, 2009".
Page 253, line 52, strike "January" and insert "July".
Page 253, line 52, strike "until June".
Page 253 line 53, strike "30, 2010,".
Page 253, line 53, after "rate" insert "for residential services".
Page 253, line 54, strike "40" and insert "25".
Page 253, line 54, after "rate" insert:
"after a locality has incurred a total of $200,000 in residential care expenditures".
Page 253, line 54, strike "In".
Page 253, strike lines 55 and 56 and insert:
"d.  The State Executive Council (SEC) shall monitor the implementation of the incentives and disincentives included in this item, provide technical assistance, and recommend evidence-based best practices to assist localities in transitioning individuals into community-based care.  Beginning November 1, 2008, and each year thereafter, the SEC shall provide an update to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees on the outcomes of this initiative."
Page 254, strike line 1.

(This amendment adds funding and language modifying the local share of funding for community and residential services provided through the Comprehensive Services Act (CSA). Language also requires the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to establish a work group to assist in the implementation of a system of financial incentives to localities to use community-based services in lieu of residential services for children in CSA. Language lowers the local share of funding for community-based services by 50 percent beginning in fiscal year 2009, as an incentive for localities to provide services to children who can be appropriately cared for in the community. In addition, language raises the local share of funding for residential services by 15 percent beginning January 1, 2009, and by 25 percent beginning in fiscal year 2010, after the first $200,000 in annual residential care expenditures. Language is added to require localities to review their caseloads for those individuals who can be served in the community and to transition those cases to the community for services. Language is also added to require the State Executive Council to monitor the implementation of the changes in match rates, provide technical assistance and recommend best practices to assist localities, and to report on the outcomes annually on November 1.)