2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Auxiliary Grants for Pilot Housing Program for MH Consumers (language only)

Item 282 #2c

Item 282 #2c

Health And Human Resources
Health and Human Resources, Secretary of

Page 250, after line 7, insert:
"C.  The Secretary of Health and Human Resources and the State Board of Social Services shall develop a plan to allow for the portability of Auxiliary Grants (AG) to pay for housing of consumers who receive case management services from a community services board or behavioral health authority and who are found eligible for or are currently receiving auxiliary grants.  The plan shall include a description of individualized services and housing supports based on Report Document 30 (2008) – “Auxiliary Grant Portability: A Report on the Feasibility of Restructuring Auxiliary Grants for Certain CSB Case Management Consumers."  The plan shall include eligibility criteria for Assisted Living Facility (ALF) residents displaced from AG-funded beds that close and those for whom the services and housing supports would lead to reductions in higher-cost institutional care, and (i) whose needs are not being met by their current living arrangement, or (ii) who are living in localities without ALFs, or (iii) who are ready for discharge from a state hospital and are without access to an ALF placement.  The plan shall include information on eligibility, the number of consumers to be served, financing, program monitoring and quality assurance, as well as information on the roles and responsibilities of state agencies, community services boards, local departments of social services, and local governments in determining eligibility, administering the program, providing case management and other support services, and the continued provision of financial support through local matching funds.  The Secretary shall submit the plan to the Governor, the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees, and the Joint Commission on Health Care, by November 1, 2008."

(This amendment directs the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to develop a plan to implement a housing program on a pilot basis which would allow disabled consumers to use Auxiliary Grant payments for housing arrangements other than assisted living facilities.)