2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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HERI - Adjust Research Package

Item 254 #1c

Item 254 #1c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Education: Higher Education
Higher Education Research Initiative FY2009 ($1,900,000) FY2010 ($9,250,000) GF

Page 222, line 22, strike "$4,500,000" and insert "$2,600,000".
Page 222, line 22, strike "$16,750,000" and insert "$7,500,000".
Page 222, line 26, strike "$2,000,000" and insert "$1,000,000".
Page 222, line 27, strike "$8,500,000" and insert "$1,000,000".
Page 222, strike lines 34 through 39 insert:
"2. The Governor shall establish an Advisory Committee on Competitive Research to develop guidelines for making the grant awards.  These research grants are intended to encourage university collaboration, benefit economically distressed region(s) and/or under-represented populations, and attract industry-sponsored research and development (R&D).  In promoting collaboration, the Committee shall positively consider collaborations between the historically black colleges and universities and other four-year colleges and universities."
Page 222, strike lines 45 through 49.
Page 223, strike lines 1 through 7.
Page 223, strike line 8 and insert "B. Out of this appropriation,".
Page 223, line 9, strike " and $6,500,000" and insert "$6,000,000".
Page 223, line 16, strike "D." and insert "C."
Page 223, line 16, strike "$1,000,000" and insert "$500,000".
Page 223, line 18, strike "Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute" and insert: "Hampton University Foundation".
Page 223, line 26, strike "E." and insert "D."
Page 223, line 26, strike "$1,500,000" and insert "$1,600,000".
Page 223, line 27, strike "and $750,000 the second year".

(This amendment revises the proposed research package.)