2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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VCCS - Faculty Split Language (language only)

Item 213 #5c

Item 213 #5c

Education: Higher Education
Virginia Community College System

Page 198, line 44, after "System.", insert:
"Consistent with higher education funding guidelines, it is expected that the Virginia Community College System will utilize the funds provided for base operating support to achieve this objective.  In addition, the first priority for new funding provided to the community college system shall be for operating support at individual community colleges.  Thirty days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the Virginia Community College System shall report to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees on the allocation of all new general funds and nongeneral funds in this item and any cost recovery plans between the individual community colleges and the system office."
Page 202, strike lines 47 through 53.

(This amendment clarifies that funding that has been provided under the higher education funding guidelines is expected to support students and faculty at individual community colleges. The amendment also eliminates new language in this item that is already incorporated in Part IV of this budget.)