2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Data Coordinators/Educationally At-Risk Funding (language only)

Item 140 #20c

Item 140 #20c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 133, line 31, strike "shall" and insert "may".
Page 133, line 32, strike "consistent with the".
Page 133, strike line 33 and insert "or".
Page 133, after line 37, insert:
"The data coordinator position is intended to provide schools with needed support in the area of data analysis and interpretation for instructional purposes, as well as overall data management and the administration of state assessments.  The position would primarily focus on data related to instruction and school improvement, including: student assessment, student attendance, student/teacher engagement, behavior referrals, suspensions, retention, and graduation rates."

(This amendment makes proposed language permissive rather than mandatory that new funds a school division receives under the educationally at-risk funding in fiscal year 2009 or fiscal year 2010 in excess of amounts received in fiscal year 2008 be used to provide data coordinators for schools that are currently not accredited or not meeting Adequate Yearly Progress under No Child Left Behind. A companion amendment defers proposed new funding of $2.1 million from the general fund the second year for data coordinators in low performing high schools.)