2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Eliminate New Positions for VPI Expansion

Item 132 #1c

Item 132 #1c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Education, Central Office Operations, Department of FY2009 ($340,100) FY2010 ($340,100) GF
FY2009 -3.00 FY2010 -3.00 FTE

Page 107, line 50, strike "$31,857,204" and insert "$31,517,104".
Page 107, line 50, strike "$31,857,204" and insert "$31,517,104".
Page 109, strike lines 21 through 24.
Page 109, line 25, strike "K." and insert "J."

(This amendment removes $340,100 each year in new funding and 3.0 new positions from the general fund proposed in the introduced budget in the Department of Education to evaluate and administer the proposed expanded Virginia preschool initiative (VPI). Companion amendments also reduce new funding proposed in Direct Aid to Public Education for changes to the VPI program, and remove new funding related to pre-kindergarten in the Department of Social Services.)