2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Cooperative Advertising - Outdoor Advertising

Item 130 #1c

Item 130 #1c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Commerce And Trade
Virginia Tourism Authority FY2009 $100,000 FY2010 $100,000 GF

Page 104, line 49, strike "$16,594,330" and insert "$16,694,330".
Page 104, line 49, strike "$16,594,330" and insert "$16,694,330".
Page 106, after line 9, insert:
"J. Out of the amounts provided for Tourist Promotion, $100,000 the first year and $100,000 the second year from the general fund shall be provided to the cooperative advertising program operated by the Outdoor Advertising Association of Virginia.  The Outdoor Advertising Association of Virginia shall provide a total of at least $300,000 in advertising value each year to promote tourism in Virginia."

(This amendment restores $100,000 from the general fund each year for the cooperative advertising program run by the Outdoor Advertising Association of Virginia. These amounts match those included in the current biennial budget.)