2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Joint Subcommitttee on Elementary & Secondary Education Funding (language only)

Item 1 #3c

Item 1 #3c

Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia

Page 7, line 55, strike "one" and insert "four".
Page 7, line 56, strike "member" and insert "members".
Page 8, strike lines 6 through 18 and insert:
"the Commonwealth’s use of the prevailing salary and cost approaches to funding the Standards of Quality, as compared with alternative approaches, such as a fixed point in time salary base that is increased annually by some minimum percentage or funding the national average teacher salary; and 2) review the “federal revenue deduct” methodology, including the current use of a cap on the deduction."

(This amendment directs the Joint Subcommittee on Elementary and Secondary Education Funding to study the Commonwealth’s use of the prevailing salary and cost approaches to funding the Standards of Quality, as compared with alternative approaches, and to review the “federal revenue deduct” methodology. In addition, the amendment increases the membership of the Joint Subcommittee from two members to eight members.)