2008 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

Chief Patron: Frederick
Co-Patron(s): Hugo, Lingamfelter, Marshall R., Nichols, Rust, Miller, J
Belmont Bay Capital Lease

Item C-36.10 #7h

Item C-36.10 #7h

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Education: Higher Education
George Mason University FY2009 $0 FY2010 $1,000,000 NGF

Page 455, after line 3, insert:
"George Mason University is authorized to enter into a capital lease, not to exceed $1.0 million per year for a total lease term of 20 years, with the Belmont Bay Science Center."

"C-36.10 Belmont Bay Capital Lease
Fund Sources: Higher Education Operating

(This amendment requests additional nongeneral fund authority to enter into a capital lease for the Belmont Bay Science Center.)