2008 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Blevins
School Construction Revolving Loan Fund - Stafford/Staunton IDA

Item 473 #1s

Item 473 #1s

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2009 $45,000,000 FY2010 $0 GF

Page 429, line 25, strike "$25,956,806" and insert "$70,956,806".
Page 433, after line 37, insert:
"M.  Out of the appropriation for this Item, $45,000,000 in the first year from the general fund shall be granted to the Industrial Development Authority of the County of Stafford and the City of Staunton, Virginia for the purposes of the Virginia School Construction Revolving Loan Fund."

(This amendment provides $45.0 million for initial seed capital to the Virginia School Construction Revolving Fund, which is proposed this Session to support local government elementary, secondary and vocation facilities including new construction, renovations, and expansion and the equipping of such facilities. The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Stafford and the City of Staunton, Virginia serves as the local government issuer of bonds for the VML/VACo Local Government Finance Program.)