2008 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

Research (language only)

Item 4-0.01 #1h

Item 4-0.01 #1h

General Provisions
Operating Policies

Page 496, after line 9, insert:"d. No funding in this budget, or matching funds related to funding included in this budget, may be provided for human stem cell research from stem cells obtained from human embryos; however, research conducted using stem cells other than embryonic stem cells may be funded.e. No funding in this budget, or matching funds related to funding included in this budget, may be provided for research on cells or tissues derived from induced abortions on humans."

(This amendment would prohibit state funding of embryonic stem cell research itself, but it would also permit entities that conduct such research (without using state money) to receive state funding. Entities that receive funding for embryonic stem cell research from federal and private sources may also receive state dollars for purposes other than embryonic stem research. State funding of research on aborted fetuses would be prohibited.)