2008 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Transfer of Adult Services & Licensing (language only)

Item 282 #1h

Item 282 #1h

Health And Human Resources
Health and Human Resources, Secretary of

Page 250, after line 7, insert:"C. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources, in cooperation with the Commissioners of the Department for the Aging and the Department of Social Services, shall review the report on the feasibility of transferring adult programs from the Virginia Department of Social Services to the Virginia Department for the Aging and develop a plan detailing the steps necessary to effect such a transfer of responsibilities by July 1, 2010.  The plan shall provide detailed information on how such a transfer would occur; the personnel to be transferred and associated agency costs and savings; the fiscal impact of moving, including equipment needs and office space; a timeline of how these responsibilities could be transferred in a  phased in approach to reduce the fiscal impact of this action; and the statutory and regulatory framework needed to effect such a transfer of responsibilities.The Secretary shall report on the plan to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by December 1, 2008."

(This amendment directs the Secretary of Health and Human Resources, in cooperation with the Commissioner of the Departments of Aging and Social Services, to develop a detailed plan to transfer adult services and adult services licensing from the Department of Social Services to the Department for the Aging by fiscal year 2011.)