2008 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Amend Language Related to Compensation for SCHEV Director (language only)

Item 4-6.01 #2c

Item 4-6.01 #2c

Positions and Employment
Employee Compensation

Page 530, strike lines 3 through 9 and insert:
"d)  Should a vacancy occur for the Director of the State Council of Higher Education on or after the date of enactment of this act, the salary for the new director shall be established by the State Council of Higher Education based on the salary range for Level I agency heads.  Furthermore, the state council may provide a bonus of up to five percent of the annual salary for the new director.

(This amendment deletes language included in the introduced budget related to the salary of the Director of the State Council for Higher Education (SCHEV) and replaces it with language clarifying the compensation structure for any new SCHEV Director.)