2008 Session

Budget Amendments - HB29 (Committee Approved)

Technical Adjustment in Non-States (language only)

Item 455.4 #6h

Item 455.4 #6h

Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations

Page 217, after line 8, insert:
H. Not withstanding § 4-5.05 of this act, the allocation to the Railroad Musuem of Virginia, Inc., as set forth in Item 481.G., shall not be subject to the matching requirements in the second year.  
I. The allocation set forth in Item 481.G., of this act to the Historical Committee of Pleasant Hall shall be provided to the City of Virginia Beach on behalf of the Historical Committee of Pleasant Hall.
J. The allocation set forth in Item 481.G., of this act to the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority Explore Park shall not be subject to the provisions as is normally required by  §4-5.05.b of this act nor the requirements set out by § 10.1-1618, Code of Virginia, to prevent the title of the property from transferring to the Commonwealth."

(This amendment is self-explanatory. House Bill 29 does not have Item 481 set out in language. Therefore, during the enrolling process, this amendment will be added into its related item.)