2007 Session

Budget Amendments - SB750 (Conference Report)

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Non-custodial Placement Agreements (language only)

Item 338 #1c

Item 338 #1c

Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of

Page 371, after line 53, insert:
"Q.  No later than January 1, 2008, the Department of Social Services, in collaboration with the Virginia League of Social Services Executives and other state and local partners, shall develop and disseminate clearly defined policies that encourage the use of non-custodial placement agreements, when appropriate, in order to improve access to mental health services to children who are otherwise at-risk of placement in the state's custody.  The department shall also disseminate "best practices" information on such agreements and provide training to facilitate the use of non-custodial placement agreements, when appropriate, by local departments of social services."

(This amendment requires the Department of Social Services to develop and disseminate policies regarding non-custodial placement agreements and disseminate "best practices" information in order to improve access to children's mental health services and prevent parents from relinquishing custody of their children to the state.)