2007 Session

Budget Amendments - SB750 (Conference Report)

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Geriatric Mental Health Services Pilot Programs (language only)

Item 312 #1c

Item 312 #1c

Health And Human Resources
Grants To Localities

Page 350, after line 32, insert:
"FF.  Beginning July 1, 2007, the Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services shall allocate $1,000,000 from the federal Community Mental Health Services Block Grant for the development of two specialized geriatric mental health services pilot programs.  One pilot shall be located in Health Planning Region II and one shall be located in Health Planning Region V.  The pilots shall serve elderly populations with mental illness who are transitioning from state mental health geriatric units to the community or who are at risk of admission to state mental health geriatric units."

(This amendment allocates $1.0 million the second year from the federal Community Mental Health Services Block Grant for two Specialized Geriatric Mental Health Services pilot programs with the goal of providing discharge assistance to individuals transitioning from or diverting individuals from admission to state mental health geriatric units. Funds will be evenly split between the two geriatric mental health pilot projects, one located in Northern Virginia and one located on the Virginia Peninsula.)