2007 Session

Budget Amendments - SB750 (Conference Report)

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VSDB - Defer New Positions

Item 141 #1c

Item 141 #1c

First Year - FY2007 Second Year - FY2008
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind At Staunton FY2007 $0 FY2008 ($229,254) GF
FY2007 0.00 FY2008 -4.00 FTE

Page 173, line 10, strike "$3,816,214" and insert "$3,586,960".

(This amendment removes new funding and positions at the Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind at Staunton until staffing needs are fully assessed based on the consolidation of the two statewide schools for the deaf, blind and multi-disabled.)