2007 Session

Budget Amendments - SB750 (Conference Report)

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Improving Water Quality in Southern Rivers (language only)

Item 104 #3c

Item 104 #3c

Commerce And Trade
Housing and Community Development, Department of

Page 106, after line 28, insert:
"T.  Out of the appropriation for Community Development Services shall be included $17,000,000 the first year transferred from the Water Quality Improvement Fund to be provided as grants to communities located outside the Chesapeake Bay watershed for:  1) the construction of mandated water quality improvement facilities at publicly owned treatment works for projects that would otherwise result in a financial hardship for the residential users of the facilities; 2) the design and construction of managed on-site community wastewater treatment systems in isolated areas that cannot be addressed through active treatment facilities; and 3) planning grants to develop regional or county wide wastewater treatment strategies in areas that have not previously completed planning and engineering studies.  Priority will be given to the elimination of straight piping of household wastewater into the Commonwealth’s waterways.  The Department shall leverage the appropriation with other state moneys, federal grants or loans, local contributions, and private or nonprofit resources.  Any unexpended balance in the Item for this purpose on June 30, 2007, and June 30, 2008, shall not revert to the general fund but shall be carried forward, reappropriated, and allotted.".

(This amendment directs the transfer of $17.0 million in funding from the Water Quality Improvement Fund for a program to target communities outside the Chesapeake Bay drainage. The Department of Housing and Community Development will manage the program. Grants will be made to assist local governments in reducing the amount of untreated or under-treated household wastewater being directly discharged into streams and groundwater in non-Chesapeake Bay watershed areas. The Department of Housing and Community Development will use existing delivery systems to accelerate the commitment of these funds to community projects and document program impacts. A companion amendment is included in the appropriations for the Department of Environmental Quality.)