2007 Session

Budget Amendments - SB750 (Committee Approved)

DOC: Mt. Rogers Planning District Prison

Item C-290.40 #3s

Item C-290.40 #3s

First Year - FY2007 Second Year - FY2008
Public Safety
Corrections, Department of FY2007 $0 FY2008 $99,000,000 NGF

Page 593, line 1, Insert:

"C-290.40 Medium Security Correctional Facility, Mount Rogers Planning District (xxxxx)
Fund Sources: Bond Proceeds

(This amendment provides $99,000,000 the second year from Virginia Public Building Authority bond proceeds for construction of a new medium security correctional facility in the Mount Rogers Planning District. A companion amendment to Item C-329 adds this project to the list of authorized VPBA projects.)