2007 Session

Budget Amendments - SB750 (Committee Approved)

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Portability of Auxiliary Housing Grant (language only)

Item 278 #2s

Item 278 #2s

Health And Human Resources
Health and Human Resources, Secretary of

Page 286, after line 15, insert:
"D.  No later than December 1, 2007, the Secretary of Health and Human Resources shall report on the feasibility of a program that allows for portability of auxiliary housing grants for up to 200 consumers who receive case management services from a community services board or behavioral health authority and are found eligible for, or are currently receiving, an auxiliary grant.  The program would allow for the portability of auxiliary grants for a) consumers who are eligible for auxiliary grants but are unable to access assisted living facility beds in their communities and b) consumers receiving auxiliary grants whose needs are not being met by their current housing arrangements and who would benefit from arrangements of their choice that promote more focused recovery and independence."

(This amendment requires the Secretary of HHR to report on the feasibility of developing a housing program for up to 200 consumers who are eligible for or are currently receiving an auxiliary grant but who cannot locate an available bed in their community or whose needs cannot be met in their current housing situation.)