2007 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1650 (Conference Report)

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PTOF Projects (language only)

Item 449.10 #1c

Item 449.10 #1c

Transportation, Department of

Page 478, line 32, strike "2006" and insert "2007".
Page 478, line 45, before "construction" insert "acquisition and".
Page 478, line 48, strike "and", and insert a ",".
Page 478, line 49, after "Counties", insert "an updated Environmental Impact Statement for Route 37 Eastern Bypass in Frederick County, and right-of-way owned by the Norfolk Southern Corporation and located between Newtown Road and the Oceanfront".
Page 478, line 52, before "construction" insert "acquisition and".
Page 479, line 26, strike "support the Secretary".
Page 479, strike lines 27 through 31 and insert:
"supplement the Local Road Revenue Sharing Program.".

(This amendment adds two items to those proposed in the introduced Budget Bill for funding under the Transportation Partnership Opportunity Fund. HB 1650 proposes $305.0 million to advance Capital Beltway HOT lanes, Hillsville Bypass, I-64/I-264 interchange, and Route 50 widening in Loudoun and Fairfax Counties, the Environmental Impact Statement for Route 37 Eastern Bypass in Frederick County, and right-of-way owned by Norfolk Southern Corporation and located between the Cities of Norfolk and Virginia Beach. The amendment also provides $20.0 to supplement the Local Road Revenue Sharing Program, increasing total resources for the Program to $35.0 million.)