2006 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hanger
I-81 Reconstruction (language only)

Item 443 #5s

Item 443 #5s

Transportation, Department of

Page 378, after line 47, insert:
"E.  It is the intent of the General Assembly that the Department address urgently needed improvements to the Interstate Route 81 Corridor by expeditiously taking the following actions: (i) plan for and construct capacity improvements consistent with state funding, federal funding and compliant with the national Environmental Policy Act process; (ii) direct federal highway construction aid available to Virginia under the federal SAFETEA-LU and other federal legislation to the construction of dedicated nonseparated, nontoll truck lanes on Interstate Route 81, including, where needed in areas of high congestion, to assist trucks in climbing steep grades; and (iii) plan and develop, with the cooperation of the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, a rail project that will have the effect of reducing the number of trucks traveling the Interstate 81 Corridor, provided that rail projects are not funded from the Transportation Trust Fund, and, that tolls shall not be imposed on either passenger or commercial vehicles to finance Interstate Route 81 improvements unless tolls are placed only on newly constructed lanes, and use of the existing lanes of Interstate Rout 81 remains unrestricted for all vehicles."

(This amendment expresses legislative intent regarding the reconstruction of the I-81 corridor -- (1) planning and improvements must be consistent with NEPA; (2) federal dollars estimated at $141.5 million and matching state dollars estimated at $35.4 million should focus on projects in areas of highest congestion and on projects to assist trucks with climbing steep grades; (3) VDOT and DRPT need to collaborate on ways to move truck traffic onto rails; and (4) tolls shall be limited to new facilities and not to existing facilities.)