2006 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Committee Approved)

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Charitable Gaming local investment pool balance (language only)

Item 3-1.01 #6s

Item 3-1.01 #6s

Interfund Transfers

Page 481, after line 4, insert:
"AA. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 18.2-340.31C, Code of Virginia or any other provisions of law, on or before June 30, 2007, the State Comptroller shall transfer to the general fund an amount estimated at $587,000 from the general account of the former Charitable Gaming Commission representing all assets of the commission held in the local government investment pool by the State Treasurer."

(This amendment transfers Charitable Gaming Commission funds to the general fund for use on other priorities. The Commission was abolished by Chapter 884, 2003 Acts of Assembly and was replaced by the Department of Charitable Gaming. The funds now collected through this authority are deposited into the general fund and the Department is funded through a general fund appropriation in Item 67 of the introduced bill.)