2006 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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View Budget Item amendments

Chief Patron: Joannou
Mileage Reimbursement (language only)

Item 4-5.04 #4h

Item 4-5.04 #4h

Special Conditions and Restrictions on Expenditures
Good and Services

Page 509, line 18, strike "32.5" and insert "44.5".
Page 509, line 19, strike "32.5" and insert "44.5".
Page 509, line 23, strike "32.5" and insert "44.5".
Page 509, line 25, strike "32.5" and insert "44.5".

(This amendment increases the mileage reimbursement paid for the use of private vehicles for the official business of the Commonwealth from 32.5 cents per mile to 44.5 cents per mile. The Internal Revenue Service adopted the 44.5 cents per mile standard on January 1, 2006. A companion amendment in Central Appropriations provides the funding necessary to pay the higher mileage reimbursement.)