2006 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Houck
Medicaid Autism Waiver

Item 302 #18s

Item 302 #18s

First Year - FY2007 Second Year - FY2008
Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of FY2007 $3,600,000 FY2008 $3,600,000 GF
FY2007 $3,600,000 FY2008 $3,600,000 NGF

Page 258, line 32, strike "$4,989,007,434" and insert "$4,996,207,434".
Page 258, line 32, strike "$5,325,426,176" and insert "$5,332,626,176".

(This amendment provides $3.6 million from the general fund each year and an equal amount of federal matching funds to develop and implement a Medicaid waiver program for long-term support of children with autism. Funding is requested for 400 waiver slots at an estimated cost of $18,000 per individual.)