2006 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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PACE Program and Start-up Costs

Item 302 #42s

Item 302 #42s

First Year - FY2007 Second Year - FY2008
Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of FY2007 $1,500,000 FY2008 $0 GF

Page 258, line 32, strike "$4,989,007,434" and insert "$4,990,507,434".
Page 271, after line 53, insert:
"TT.1. The Department of Medical Assistance Services, in consultation with the appropriate stakeholders, shall develop a long-range blueprint for the development and implementation of an integrated acute and long-term care system.  This plan shall: (i) explain how the various community and state level stakeholders will be involved in the development and implementation of the new program model(s); (ii) describe the various steps for development and implementation of the program model(s), include a review of other states’ models, funding, populations served, services provided, education of clients and providers, and location of programs; (iii) describe how the existing system is funded and how integration will impact funding; and (iv) describe the evaluation methods that will be used to ensure that the program provides access, quality, and consumer satisfaction.
2. The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall report on its plan for integrating acute and long-term care services to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by October 15, 2006.
UU. The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall implement one or more Program for All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) programs by July 2007. Out of this appropriation, $1,500,000 the first year from the general fund is provided to make grants of up to $250,000 per site for start-up funds for potential PACE programs.  The grant funds may be used for staffing, development of business plans, and other start-up activities. To be eligible for grant funding, organizations must submit the following documentation to the Department of Medical Assistance Services no later than June 1, 2006: (i) completion of a market assessment that demonstrates sufficient potential PACE participants to develop a PACE program; (ii) demonstration of partnerships with acute care hospitals, nursing facilities, and other potential partners; (iii) designation of an adult day health care center from which to operate a PACE program; and (iv) identification of funding partners to sustain a PACE project.
VV. The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall amend its State Plan for Medical Assistance Services to develop and implement a regional model for the integration of acute and long-term care services by no later than January 2007.  This model would be offered to elderly and disabled clients on a voluntary basis.  The Department shall promulgate emergency regulations to implement this amendment within 280 days or less from the enactment of this act."

(This amendment provides $1.5 million for the establishment of up to six PACE (Program for the All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly) programs. The funding will be used to fund grants of up to $250,000 for the start-up costs for each program. The amendment also authorizes the Department of Medical Assistance Services to develop a plan for integrating the acute and long-term care systems and to report to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriation and Senate Finance Committees on its plan by October 15, 2006. The Department is further authorized to develop and implement a regional model for the integration of acute and long-term care services by January 2007. Development of integrated services will combine Medicaid and Medicare resources and result in a cost effective alternative for long-term care.)