2006 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Medicaid Family Planning Waiver

Item 302 #35s

Item 302 #35s

First Year - FY2007 Second Year - FY2008
Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of FY2007 $72,500 FY2008 ($2,503,667) GF
FY2007 $72,500 FY2008 ($2,503,667) NGF
FY2007 1.00 FY2008 1.00 FTE

Page 258, line 32, strike "$4,989,007,434" and insert "$4,989,152,434".
Page 258, line 32, strike "$5,325,426,176" and insert "$5,320,418,842".
Page 271, after line 53, insert:
"TT.  The Director of the Department of Medical Assistance Services shall seek the necessary waiver from the United States Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to expand eligibility for Medicaid coverage of family planning services to individuals with a family income up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level.  For the purposes of this section, family planning services shall not cover payment for abortion services and no funds shall be used to perform, assist, encourage or make direct referrals for abortions."

(This amendment directs the Department of Medical Assistance Services to seek a waiver to expand eligibility for Medicaid coverage of family planning services to individuals with a family income up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level. Family planning services under the waiver may not cover abortion services or referrals for abortions.)