2006 Session

Budget Amendments - HB29 (Committee Approved)

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Virginia Performing Arts Center

Item 506 #5h

Item 506 #5h

First Year - FY2005 Second Year - FY2006
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2005 $0 FY2006 ($4,500,000) GF

Page 162, line 29, strike "$44,134,000" and insert "$39,634,000".
Page 169, after line 55, insert:
"EE.  The Director, Department of Historic Resources, shall revert $4,500,000 to the general fund, representing the remaining portion of the nonstate agency grant awarded to the Virginia Performing Arts Foundation in Chapter 951 of the Acts of Assembly of 2005."

(This amendment reverts $4.5 million from the $8.2 million appropriation awarded to the Virginia Performing Arts Foundation in Chapter 951 of the Acts of Assembly of 2005. Since the award, the project has been drastically scaled back, and most of the group's leadership has left the organization. In addition, a number of the project's financial backers have withdrawn their pledges of support for the project. This amendment will be made to Item 396, Chapter 951 of the Acts of Assembly of 2005, during the enrolling of House Bill 29.)