2005 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hanger
Welcome Centers & Rest Areas (language only)

Item 469 #1s

Item 469 #1s

Transportation, Secretary of

Page 428, after line 19, insert:
"10.  In recognition of the fact that Virginia's Rest Areas and Welcome Centers are a significant part of the image that Virginia projects and, are vital to our intrastate and interstate tourist traffic, VDOT shall, under the Secretary's guidance, immediately transform ongoing planning for renovation of existing Welcome Centers and Rest Areas to an action plan to accomplish the following:
(a) Establish a timeline to significantly upgrade existing facilities as much as is practical prior to the 2007 celebration of Jamestown.
(b) Establish design concepts that will be cost efficient.
(c) Establish a funding mechanism that facilitate the timely completion of the projects.
(d) Establish partnerships with private parties, nonprofit organizations, or local governments to minimize costs."

(This amendment directs the Secretary of Transportation to work with VDOT to develop an action plan to cleanup the state's Welcome Centers and Rest Areas as much as practical prior to the 2007 celebration of Jamestown.)