2005 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Transfer Newborn Screening Test Kit Revenue to VDH (language only)

Item 3-1.01 #1c

Item 3-1.01 #1c

Interfund Transfers

Page 556, after line 49, insert:
"MM.  On or before June 30, 2006, the State Comptroller shall transfer $952,807 the second year from newborn screening test kit fee revenue collected by the Division of Consolidated Laboratories in the Department of General Services to Item 313 in the Department of Health for newborn screening and follow-up services."

(This amendment requires the Division of Consolidated Laboratories in the Department of General Services to transfer fee revenue from the newborn screening test kit fee revenue to the Department of Health for education, diagnosis, follow-up, medical management and treatment. A companion amendment in Item 313 appropriates the nongeneral fee revenue for the Department of Health. House Bill 1824 and Senate Bill 1184 provide for the expansion of newborn screening to test for additional conditions. The expanded tests are estimated to generate added costs for the Health Department to respond to positive test results. The Division of Consolidated Laboratories transfers $384,000 from this fee revenue to support the current screening program. This amendment recognizes this transfer plus the additional amount needed to support the expansion of the newborn screening program. It is estimated that testing kit fees will increase from $32 per filter to approximately $57 per filter in order to cover the costs of the expanded newborn screening services.)