2004 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

Chief Patron: Moran
Funding for Woodrum Impact

Item 420.10 #2h

Item 420.10 #2h

First Year - FY2005 Second Year - FY2006
Public Safety
Institutions, Division of FY2005 $226,825 FY2006 $0 GF

Page 321, after line 36, insert:
Authority:  § 30-19.1:4, Code of Virginia
"A.  Included in the appropriation is $226,825 to cover the projected prison bed space impact, as determined in accordance with § 30-19.1:4, Code of Virginia, of House Bill 1105, 2004 Session of the General Assembly."

(This amendment funds the correctional bed space impact of House Bill 1105, 2004 Session of the General Assembly.)