2004 Session

Budget Amendments - HB29 (Conference Report)

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NSU - Pub Pvt (language only)

Item C-28.30 #1c

Item C-28.30 #1c

Education: Higher Education
Norfolk State University

Page 270, line 28, strike "the".
Page 270, strike line 29.
Page 270, line 30, strike "development of" and insert:
"a public or private entity to design, construct and finance".
Page 270, line 33, after "2002.", insert:
"The student housing projects may be located on property owned by the Commonwealth".
Page 270, line 35, strike "NSUF" and insert:
"a public or private entity".
Page 271, line 16, strike "the Norfolk State" and insert:
"a public or private entity".
Page 271, line 17, strike "University Foundation".

(This amendment authorizes Norfolk State University to pursue development of student housing through the Public-Private Education Facilities Infrastructure Act of 2002.)