2001 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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Family Caregiver Grant Program (language only)

Item 380 #1s

Item 380 #1s

Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of

Page 350, line 55, after "F." insert "1".
Page 351, after line 1, insert:
"2.  From the unappropriated balance of this act, $1,000,000 is hereby authorized for payments in the second year for care provided in calendar year 2000.
3.  If funds provided in this act are insufficient to fully pay all eligible applicants for care provided in calendar years 1999 or 2000, (i) payments shall be apportioned among eligible applicants pro rata, and (ii) eligible applicants shall not receive the balance of payments in succeeding years.
4.  Failure to file a complete application, including documentation, within a reasonable period determined by the Department of Social Services, shall render the caregiver ineligible to receive a grant for care provided in a calendar year."

(This amendment enables continuation of the Family Caregiver Grant program, pursuant to Chapter 21, Title 63.1, Code of Virginia. The program pays up to $500 per year to persons caring for severely disabled individuals in their homes. In FY 2001, $1.0 million from the Economic Contingency Fund was earmarked for care provided in calendar year 1999, and 2,962 qualified recipients received grants of $318. No funding was included in the introduced budget to continue the program beyond the first year. This amendment earmarks $1.0 million from the unappropriated balance to pay in FY 2002 for care provided in calendar year 2000. If funding is insufficient to pay the full $500 grant to each eligible caregiver, funds would be apportioned pro rata -- with no entitlement to the balance in succeeding years. Without this provision, there would be insufficient funds to provide new grants each year. Also, incomplete applications would be denied, if not completed within a reasonable period determined by DSS.)