2001 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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Revise Formula-Local Health Depts. (language only)

Item 308 #1s

Item 308 #1s

Health And Human Resources
Health, Department of

Page 302, after line 27, insert:
"E.  The Virginia Department of Health shall develop a revised plan for allocating the state share of the cooperative budget and present that plan to the Governor and Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by November 1, 2001.  A needs-based formula and staffing standards for allocating positions and funds to the local health departments shall be used.  Staffing standards developed in the statewide needs assessment shall be applied to workload data from the local health departments to determine staffing levels and funding.  The Governor and General Assembly shall consider the plan in determining funding for local health departments in the 2002-04 biennial budget."

(This amendment requires the Virginia Department of Health to develop a plan that would revise the methodology for allocating state funds to local departments of health -- a recommendation of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission. The plan would be considered in developing the next biennial budget.)