2001 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

Transfer Child MH Funds from MHMR to CSA

Item 293.1 #2s

Item 293.1 #2s

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Health And Human Resources
Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families FY2001 $0 FY2002 $4,250,000 GF

Page 282, line 3, strike "$155,767,880" and insert "$160,017,880".
Page 286, after line 57, insert:
"H.  Out of this appropriation, $4,250,000 the second year from the general fund is provided exclusively for children eligible, but not mandated, for services under the Comprehensive Services Act, Title 2.1, Chapter 46, Code of Virginia.  Any unexpended balance at the end of the fiscal year shall not be used for children mandated for services and shall not revert to the general fund, but shall be reappropriated for expenditure in the succeeding year for the same authorized purpose."

(This amendment, along with a companion amendment in Item 325, transfers funds added by the 2000 General Assembly for mental health treatment of children from the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS) to the Comprehensive Services Act (CSA). This $4.25 million appropriation would be reserved exclusively for "non-mandated" children, eligible but not entitled to care under CSA. The companion amendment in Item 325 also adds language that would prevent DMHMRSAS from reducing appropriations for these services as part of "management savings." DMHMRSAS planned to cut $500,000 each year from the program.)