1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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GIS System

Item 96 #4c

Item 96 #4c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Commerce And Trade
Virginia Economic Development Partnership FY1997 $0 FY1998 ($1,120,000) GF

Page 71, line 5, strike "$6,121,104" and insert "$5,001,104".
Page 73, line 32, strike $1,494,648" and insert "$375,000".
Page 73, line 33, after "fund" strike "for" and insert "to study the".
Page 73, strike lines 39 through 54.
Page 74, strike lines 1 through 3.
Page 73, after line 38, insert:
"2.  As part of the study for the development of the Prospect Decision Support System, the Partnership shall work with the planning district commissions and other economic development organizations in the Commonwealth to develop a Geographic Information System which can be integrated statewide.  The Partnership shall also develop cost sharing agreements with public and private organizations engaged in economic development in order to minimize the general fund cost of the development of the Prospect Decision Support System and Marketing Presentation Center."

(This amendment reduces general fund support for the geographic information system and presentation center requested by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership. The remaining appropriation permits the agency to complete phases I, II, and III of the six-phase project. The amendment also requires the Partnership to study the development of a statewide integrated GIS System, with costs to be shared with other economic development organizations.)