1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Regional Competitiveness Fund

Item 92 #6c

Item 92 #6c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Commerce And Trade
Housing and Community Development, Department of FY1997 $0 FY1998 $3,000,000 GF
FY1997 0.00 FY1998 2.00 FTE

Page 64, line 46, strike "$44,298,535" and insert "$47,298,535".
Page 67, line 8, strike "$3,000,000" and insert "$6,000,000.
Page 67, line 16, after "distribution.", insert:  "The Department may use up to $150,000 the second year from the general fund for staff support for the Regional Competitiveness Program."

(This amendment increases general fund support to $6.0 million for the Regional Competitiveness Act. The program is designed to encourage regional strategic planning and cooperation. Incentives are used to reward regional strategic economic development planning and joint activities in such areas as job creation, revenue sharing, education, and land use.)